Friday, November 28, 2014


contributing to a higher level of gracious living for those who are touched by our products and services.”

We started this [customer-centricity] journey by learning how to see the differences in the desires of our customers, and then learning how to meet them,” says CEO Anderson. Customer-centricity means “listening [in order] to understand how customers are going to deploy the stuff they buy from us and use it to enrich their lives, … rather than worrying about selling the product.” Best Buy wants to focus on customers’ individual wants and needs—to become “that trusted advisor capable of helping customers use technology the way they dreamed,” says Anderson. “That unlocks enormous horizons of growth opportunities for us.”1

celebrate the millions of women who have already grabbed life by the handlebars.”

“The wealthy still have the wealth, [but] it’s the image you project in a bad economy of driving a nice car when your friends or colleagues may be losing their businesses.”6

The objectives of my pot pie is being able to sells in bar. The countries it will be sells in the United States and the U.K. countries. The main point of the objectives is getting my snacks into bar that goes great with a nice cold of beer in any countries. The pot pie is tasty but yet salty. Any kind of beer in mind that you want to have in the middle, ending your night or even just hanging with the friends. The snacks would make your remember eating your grandma or your mother pot pie as a little kid. Any adult always remember their mother or grandma traditional meal. Many guys wouldn't think a pot pie would belong in a bar yet as a snack that goes well with cold glass of beer. Any guys may think a pot pie belongs at home but now it will be in bars for your taste.

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