Friday, November 28, 2014

Situation Or SWOT Analysis

Managing the marketing function begins with a complete analysis of the company’s situation. The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis, by which it evaluates the company’s overall strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) (see Figure 2.7). Strengths include internal capabilities, resources, positive situational factors that may help the company to serve its customers and achieve its objectives. Weaknesses include internal limitations and negative situational factors that may interfere with the company’s performance. Opportunities are favorable factors or trends in the external environment that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage. And threats are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges to performance.

make people happy around the world by selling the highest quality, most creative ice cream experience with passion, excellence, and innovation.”

To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

business portfolio—the collection of businesses and products that make up the company. The best business portfolio is the one that best fits the company’s strengths and weaknesses to opportunities in the environment. Business portfolio planning involves two steps. First, the company must analyze its current business portfolio and decide which businesses should receive more, less, or no investment. Second, it must shape the future portfolio by developing strategies for growth and downsizing.

The situation or SWOT analysis for my company that will sells snacks size pot pie in bars. The goals is be selling this snacks in bars around the world but mostly in London bars. This snacks will go well top selling beers or any type of alcohol. The research I'll have done with my snacks is that people like pot pie because it reminds them of their childhood smelling the pie although the house.

At first people I'll have talk to they thought the snacks wouldn't go well in bars because the snacks is to feminine to be in bar. But after talking to a few guys that I have known they thought the snacks would be different and also let the guys have a small reminder of a home cook meal from mom. Also not only guys goes to bars but ladies goes to bars as well. No person can turn down a pot pie that goes well with any type of alcohol. It well be a top seller in any bars in London and across the world.

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