Friday, November 28, 2014

Target Market Strategy

strategic planningthe process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.
It creates a vital, enthusiastic corporation where people see genuine opportunity.” At the same time, a firm must be careful not to make growth itself an objective. The company’s objective must be to manage “profitable growth.”7

True market orientation does not mean becoming marketing-driven; it means that the entire company obsesses over creating value for the customer and views itself as a bundle of processes that profitably define, create, communicate, and deliver value to its target customers…. Everyone must do marketing regardless of function or department.”

Transnationals take ‘stateless’ to the next level.”5

The target market my products for are adults that are able to drink in a bar. The ages will be 21 years old and up. Also the target market will be adults who like snacks that is salty that likes a cold nice of beer. The snacks will be for any type of guys or girls that like pot pie as a child. This snacks will be in any bar that location in London. The snacks will easy to eat and also watch the game at the bar with few friends. Not mans will think this snacks is to girly to eat because it will remind them of their childhood. 


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