Sunday, October 26, 2014

EOC Week 2: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

Cash Cow
Apple Company
Also Apple coming out with high-tech watches

Xbox 360

Computer Games no one plays computer games. Yes, there people who plays computer games that nerds or people who have kids that are learning. Mostly people who are homebodies plays computer games.

Question Marks

I have put the game systems and also other systems in the categories that because how the systems are play now days from the range from tweenies to adult. Adults now days don't have the time to play on games systems some reason are their jobs and also the children take over the game systems. More days kids will be playing on their phone instead of playing their games sytems.

The ones who plays games and also online games are the one who doesn't have a job or who doesn't get out very much. That why computer games are still available but also gamer systems are still growing because there are kids who still plays games systems.

Friday, October 24, 2014

EOC Week 3:Making Money for Good

Macy's is the company that I have chosen to write about in my blog this week. I pick this company to write about is because Macy's doesn't only give back to one profit but many. The area Macy's focus on are arts and culture, environment, HIV/AIDS, and women issues.For example the gifts Macy's, Bloomingdale's, and Macy's Inc also including the Macy's Foundations more than $26 million was contributed to nearly 6,000 nonprofit organizations in 2013.The majority of the gifts went towards to their core focus areas for philanthropy; arts and culture, education, the environment, HIV/AIDS awareness and research, and women's issues - individual nonprofit organizations.

Macy's giving programs helped sponsor free admission to museums and exhibits, special musical performances, art exhibits, and art and theater workshops for children. In the area of education, we funded scholarship programs, summer reading programs, mentoring and tutoring, and early childhood education initiatives. Grants in our HIV/AIDS focus area included sponsorship of awareness walks and runs as well as funding for meals and nutrition programs, housing programs, and research and counseling initiatives.

Environmental programs covering both conservation and preservation, including sponsorship of Earth Day activities, plant programs for children at botanical gardens, and animal preservation and awareness programs at zoos and aquariums. In the women’s issues focus area, our grants supported early detection and screening programs for heart disease, breast cancer and ovarian cancer; provided a wide range of assistance to emergency shelters; sponsored programs to raise awareness about domestic and dating violence; and funded self-esteem and leadership programs for young girls and teens.

Macy's major gift in 2013 was a grant of more than $2 million to Make-A-Wish as part of our sixth annual Believe campaign during the holidays. Macy’s donated $1 for every letter to Santa dropped into in-store letterboxes, up to a maximum of $1 million, and added a contribution of more than $1 million for National Believe Day and from other in-store events.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

EOC Week 3: My Demographic

Millennials. Both the baby boomers and Gen Xers will one day be passing the reins to the Millennials (also called Generation Y or the echo boomers). Born between 1977 and 2000, these children of the baby boomers number 83 million, dwarfing the Gen Xers and larger even than the baby boomer segment. This group includes several age cohorts: tweens (aged 9–12), teens (13–18), and young adults (19–32). With total purchasing power of more than $733 billion, the Millennials make up a huge and attractive market.

 One thing that all of the Millennials have in common is their utter fluency and comfort with digital technology. They don’t just embrace technology, it’s a way of life. The Millennials were the first generation to grow up in a world filled with computers, cellphones, satellite TV, iPods, and online social networks. A recent study found that 91 percent of Millennials are on the Web, making up 32 percent of all U.S. Internet users. According to another study, 77 percent of Millennials frequent social networking sites and 71 percent use instant messaging. “All generations are comfortable with technology, but this is the generation that’s been formed by technology,” says a Yahoo! executive. For them, “it’s not something separate. It’s just something they do.”

A Millennial now days does fit in with what the book says. Because kids to teenager always on their phone if not on the phone but on the computer. Now days is all about technology before there was nothing about technology.

With being a Millennial I fit in with always being on my phone and if not on my phone I'll be using the computer, It's like I'm addiction to technology now days or ever since I could be able to pick up a phone when I was in my tween. Got introduction to technology at a very young age from my parent because they gave me a cell phone in middle school so they could keep in touch with me. Since technology just keeps getting better and also more high tech. Being a teenager you want to fit in with having the latest phone and keeping up with technology. Didn't want to be the kid that didn't have the the update to phone.

From young little kids to adult be update to the latest technology for example computers to cellphones. Even little kids have Ipad just for kids and that teach them letter,numbers and games to learn. With the years fast by the technology will just keep growing and getting more high tech.

When I was a little kids didn't have no high tech Ipad I could learn from like little kids have now days. Back when I was little technology was simple and not to high tech for example cellphones was a flip phone or a house phone was a phone connected to a cord. How I learn to count numbers or even learning my letters I'll watch the T.V. no cellphone, no Ipad, or not even computers. My teaching system was pasta, blocks, math scale or old school ways hand and toes. But when growing up and getting older technology did the same as I was.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

EOC Week 1: My Voice

I'm Alisha Garcia - Peccainti my career is Fashion Retail Management. My career is about running my own business relating to fashion or anything that has to do with fashion. .I'm in this industry for the passion I will show in my work. I have chosen this career path because the passion I have for this industry is more than any body would understand. I had this passion for fashion ever since I was a little girl playing dress up on my cousins to dressing up my dog.

My passion for fashion will be show into the work and projects you guys will see.I'm a hard working with anything that I do and will do.Throughout my work the passion I have for fashion will be able to see through my works. Wouldn't let this passion just slip away from my finger or this dream of mine to own my business one day.

The business I wanna own will be about selling clothing that in the fashion world and also trendy at the time. Also my business will be about stylist people from normal to high class people. Not gonna just stylist one classes of people. It will be from people who can't afford to be like celebrities to also dressing celebrities who are use to be getting style. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

EOC Week 1: Great Customer Service

"Brands that engage in two-way conversation with their customers create stronger, more trusting relationships. People today want a voice and a role in their brand experiences. They want co-creation"

This quote is a great example of customer service because the customer are the people that makes the company who they are. Some customers are brand loyal to companies and then they are customers that shop with the company from time to time. If they customers doesn't receive a great experience in a store they won't come back and also the word would travel that the store doesn't give a great experience. The reason why people are brand loyal to companies is because of the experience they receive during the visit in the store every single time and how the store sells their products. If the customers aren't happy with something in the companies they should be able to voice their options. 

.  There was this one time where I'll receive great customer service that was at Nail Affair. The Nail Affair is location on 6040 Badura Ave, Suite 130, Las Vegas, 89118. This place is a great example for great customer service. Why is that, when you first walk into the place they welcome you and asking you what you need done. After you tell them what you need done they sit you right away and gets you started. Also the people who works there ask you often if you need a drink or anything. There customer service is overall something that I never have experience nor receive before.This place goes over and beyond what they need to do to make you feel you receive good customer service. Their customer service makes you want to come back again and not go somewhere else. Also when you come back after like the second time they give you a discount card for 10% after spending $25 or more. Only customers that come back a few times receive this card.  The Nail Affair makes you feels special and the only customers in the building.