Friday, October 24, 2014

EOC Week 3:Making Money for Good

Macy's is the company that I have chosen to write about in my blog this week. I pick this company to write about is because Macy's doesn't only give back to one profit but many. The area Macy's focus on are arts and culture, environment, HIV/AIDS, and women issues.For example the gifts Macy's, Bloomingdale's, and Macy's Inc also including the Macy's Foundations more than $26 million was contributed to nearly 6,000 nonprofit organizations in 2013.The majority of the gifts went towards to their core focus areas for philanthropy; arts and culture, education, the environment, HIV/AIDS awareness and research, and women's issues - individual nonprofit organizations.

Macy's giving programs helped sponsor free admission to museums and exhibits, special musical performances, art exhibits, and art and theater workshops for children. In the area of education, we funded scholarship programs, summer reading programs, mentoring and tutoring, and early childhood education initiatives. Grants in our HIV/AIDS focus area included sponsorship of awareness walks and runs as well as funding for meals and nutrition programs, housing programs, and research and counseling initiatives.

Environmental programs covering both conservation and preservation, including sponsorship of Earth Day activities, plant programs for children at botanical gardens, and animal preservation and awareness programs at zoos and aquariums. In the women’s issues focus area, our grants supported early detection and screening programs for heart disease, breast cancer and ovarian cancer; provided a wide range of assistance to emergency shelters; sponsored programs to raise awareness about domestic and dating violence; and funded self-esteem and leadership programs for young girls and teens.

Macy's major gift in 2013 was a grant of more than $2 million to Make-A-Wish as part of our sixth annual Believe campaign during the holidays. Macy’s donated $1 for every letter to Santa dropped into in-store letterboxes, up to a maximum of $1 million, and added a contribution of more than $1 million for National Believe Day and from other in-store events.

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