Tuesday, December 2, 2014

EOC Week 9: Creative Content

The creative content I'll be doing for this final project will be a billboard with the background 80 days around the world with also including the snack the project will be about. Also the billboard will have clothing from 1873 and may include different character from the movie. I'm doing a billboard for my creative side that because mine major is Fashion Retail Management so course my creative side would include clothing and also marketing the product. The billboard will be marketing off the snack yet also including different items the represent the movie 80 days around the world. The billboard may have the hot air balloon floating in the corner the below the hot air balloon have ladies dress up in dressing from the time period 1873. The ladies will be having or holding the snacks that may include different characters from the movie. Not only the billboard marketing the snack but also the movie so people looking at the billboard will know where the idea came from. When looking at the billboard people may not know about the movie 80 days around the world. After seeing the billboard people will go home and Google about the movie and also what to know where they can purchase the snack.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Implementation Evaluation Control

After doing research for the past few weeks and searching up different product to make this snacks able to be sells in bars. Knowing the snacks couldn't have any dairy product or any thing that needed to be reheated. Find product that could be sells and doesn't need to be reheat was hard but figure out. The snacks be made this way first to start out with the crust will be breaded with butter not to flaky but yet adding a pinch of salt. Then with the inside will have can vegetables that won't go old. Can't forget the cheese that will be made by can cheese. Yeah people may think the can cheese won't taste great but it goes.

After trying the recipe many times and letting people taste the finish product. People says it will taste great with top selling beer in London or any top selling beer around the world.

Couldn't bring my finish product into bars around Las Vegas because not the age of 21. Had friends that are 21 years and older to try my snacks with top selling beers in Las Vegas. They have told me its a great snacks because it reminds them of their childhood and old memories. If the snacks was gonna be sells in bars and mostly in London it will be a great top seller.

Its not any type pot pie you have eat in your life. This pot pie has a little salty taste and makes you want to drink and drink. The salty taste wouldn't make you not to eat it but it makes you wonder why is this pot pie different from others. If asking any person pot pie they have eaten in their lives. They would all give you different type of pot pie they have eaten in their lives. Not every pot pie taste the same to everyone. But my pot pie will make you keep wanna more and more till you over the meal. This snacks won't fill you up but make you full till your next meal.

Marketing Mix:Price

price is the amount of money charged for a product or service. More broadly, price is the sum of all the values that customers give up in order to gain the benefits of having or using a product or service

If consumers thought the best deal was simply a question of money saved, we’d all be shopping in one big discount store,”

Hard to find, impossible to pronounce, and prohibitively expensive.”

the key component for Banquet dinners—the key attribute—is you’ve got to be at $1,” says ConAgra’s CEO, Gary Rodkin. “Everything else pales in comparison to that.”

Value is the magic word,” says a P&G marketer. “

The price of my product will be no higher than $2.99. I have chosen that price the reasoning is because it will be sells in a bar and also its a snacks. The price of a snacks shouldn't be any higher than $4.99 that cause it will be sells overprice. When go into a bar food is not pricing and the meal is small not to big. When eating in a bar and drinking customers just wants something small just to full them till their next meal. Bar food is almost like finger food for guys instead. Guys at bar don't have time to be clean and care about the mess their creating. All guys care about in a bar sports game, who winner, where their next drink and also where the food. The price of my product will be low but yet small for any guy that could enjoy while watching the next sports game. Also the bar would like my snacks for their bar that cause its salty and that makes guys or anyone drink more. Not only my product is making money but also bars are making money on their different kind of alcohol.

Marketing Mix:Promotion

Personal selling is one of the oldest professions in the world. The people who do the selling go by many names: salespeople, sales representatives, district managers, account executives, sales consultants, sales engineers, agents, and account development reps to name just a few.

The ability to reinforce great marketing and great brand is extraordinarily important.”

Sales helps you understand what drives the business and that customers are a critical part of the business,” Mulcahy says. “This will be important in any business function, but you learn it [best] in sales management where it is critical, the jewel in the crown.”

With promotional pricing, companies will temporarily price their products below list price and sometimes even below cost to create buying excitement and urgency.

How I would promotion my snack is putting billboard around bars or yet around supermarket. Going on social media telling family and friends about my new snacks that will be coming out soon. The way to try these snacks are at bars and if your not 21 I'll be putting small size of the snacks into supermarket. Mainly my snacks will be sold in bars around town and goes well with a nice cold glass of beer and yet another kind of alcohol. When driving around town you will be able see the snacks on billboard and where I got the idea to do the snack. Not only my billboard be prompting the snacks but yet it will be promotion the movie that the idea came from. The billboard will have the movie in the background, the clothing from the centuries and also characters from the movie with including my snacks. 


Marketing Mix:Distribution

with the proliferation of customer segments and channel possibilities, more and more companies have adopted multichannel distribution systems—often called hybrid marketing channels. Such multichannel marketing occurs when a single firm sets up two or more marketing channels to reach one or more customer segments.

Multichannel distribution: John Deere sells its familiar green and yellow lawn and garden equipment to consumers and commercial users through several channels, including Lowe’s home improvement stores and online. It sells its agricultural equipment through the premium John Deere dealer network.

Exclusive distribution: Rolex sells its watches exclusively through only a handful of authorized dealers in any given market. Such limited distribution enhances the brand’s image and generates stronger retailer support.

selective distribution—the use of more than one, but fewer than all, of the intermediaries who are willing to carry a company’s products. Most television, furniture, and home appliance brands are distributed in this manner.

Marketing logistics—also called physical distribution—involves planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flow of goods, services, and related information from points of origin to points of consumption to meet customer requirements at a profit. In short, it involves getting the right product to the right customer in the right place at the right time.

it’s not easy bein’ green.”

. Distribution centers are designed to move goods rather than just store them.

High-tech distribution centers: Staples employs a team of super-retrievers—in day-glo orange—to keep its warehouse humming.

The way I would distribution my product around the world to be able to get the product into bars. The product would travel in trucks or planes to be able to get in around the world. Different countries will be able to get the products and sells in their bars. In the United States the product will be deliver in trucks traveling from states to states. But in different countries around the world will be transport from plane into a trucks. 


Marketing Mix:Product

product development—offering modified or new products to current markets.

Buyers implementing team-based purchasing decisions have necessitated the equal and opposite creation of team-based selling—a completely new way of doing business for many independent, self-motivated salespeople,”

The product is the snack from the movie 80 Days Around the World. Product is a snack that can be sales in a bar yet its salty that goes great with cold glass of beer. The snack can not have milk product or any thing that contain cold product foe example ham, beef, or chicken. The product needs to go well at a bar and be able to eat the snack at anytime of the day. The snack can not have an item that can not sit well in bar that doesn't need to be cold or yet reheating.

Mine product that relates to the movie 80 Days Around the World and that is two small bit size pot pie. The pot pie will go well in a bar that could go great with a nice cold beer. The reason why it would great with a nice cold beer the crust of pot pie gonna be salty not like any other pot pie you have taste. Inside the pot pie will have dry bacon and can cheese also have vegetable that doesn't need to be cold or need to get reheat. 


Target Market Strategy

strategic planningthe process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.
It creates a vital, enthusiastic corporation where people see genuine opportunity.” At the same time, a firm must be careful not to make growth itself an objective. The company’s objective must be to manage “profitable growth.”7

True market orientation does not mean becoming marketing-driven; it means that the entire company obsesses over creating value for the customer and views itself as a bundle of processes that profitably define, create, communicate, and deliver value to its target customers…. Everyone must do marketing regardless of function or department.”

Transnationals take ‘stateless’ to the next level.”5

The target market my products for are adults that are able to drink in a bar. The ages will be 21 years old and up. Also the target market will be adults who like snacks that is salty that likes a cold nice of beer. The snacks will be for any type of guys or girls that like pot pie as a child. This snacks will be in any bar that location in London. The snacks will easy to eat and also watch the game at the bar with few friends. Not mans will think this snacks is to girly to eat because it will remind them of their childhood. 


Situation Or SWOT Analysis

Managing the marketing function begins with a complete analysis of the company’s situation. The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis, by which it evaluates the company’s overall strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) (see Figure 2.7). Strengths include internal capabilities, resources, positive situational factors that may help the company to serve its customers and achieve its objectives. Weaknesses include internal limitations and negative situational factors that may interfere with the company’s performance. Opportunities are favorable factors or trends in the external environment that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage. And threats are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges to performance.

make people happy around the world by selling the highest quality, most creative ice cream experience with passion, excellence, and innovation.”

To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

business portfolio—the collection of businesses and products that make up the company. The best business portfolio is the one that best fits the company’s strengths and weaknesses to opportunities in the environment. Business portfolio planning involves two steps. First, the company must analyze its current business portfolio and decide which businesses should receive more, less, or no investment. Second, it must shape the future portfolio by developing strategies for growth and downsizing.

The situation or SWOT analysis for my company that will sells snacks size pot pie in bars. The goals is be selling this snacks in bars around the world but mostly in London bars. This snacks will go well top selling beers or any type of alcohol. The research I'll have done with my snacks is that people like pot pie because it reminds them of their childhood smelling the pie although the house.

At first people I'll have talk to they thought the snacks wouldn't go well in bars because the snacks is to feminine to be in bar. But after talking to a few guys that I have known they thought the snacks would be different and also let the guys have a small reminder of a home cook meal from mom. Also not only guys goes to bars but ladies goes to bars as well. No person can turn down a pot pie that goes well with any type of alcohol. It well be a top seller in any bars in London and across the world.


contributing to a higher level of gracious living for those who are touched by our products and services.”

We started this [customer-centricity] journey by learning how to see the differences in the desires of our customers, and then learning how to meet them,” says CEO Anderson. Customer-centricity means “listening [in order] to understand how customers are going to deploy the stuff they buy from us and use it to enrich their lives, … rather than worrying about selling the product.” Best Buy wants to focus on customers’ individual wants and needs—to become “that trusted advisor capable of helping customers use technology the way they dreamed,” says Anderson. “That unlocks enormous horizons of growth opportunities for us.”1

celebrate the millions of women who have already grabbed life by the handlebars.”

“The wealthy still have the wealth, [but] it’s the image you project in a bad economy of driving a nice car when your friends or colleagues may be losing their businesses.”6

The objectives of my pot pie is being able to sells in bar. The countries it will be sells in the United States and the U.K. countries. The main point of the objectives is getting my snacks into bar that goes great with a nice cold of beer in any countries. The pot pie is tasty but yet salty. Any kind of beer in mind that you want to have in the middle, ending your night or even just hanging with the friends. The snacks would make your remember eating your grandma or your mother pot pie as a little kid. Any adult always remember their mother or grandma traditional meal. Many guys wouldn't think a pot pie would belong in a bar yet as a snack that goes well with cold glass of beer. Any guys may think a pot pie belongs at home but now it will be in bars for your taste.

Business Mission Statement

Becoming part of the conversation between consumers is infinitely more powerful than handing down information via traditional advertising,”

Brands that engage in two-way conversation with their customers create stronger, more trusting relationships. People today want a voice and a role in their brand experiences. They want co-creation.”

A recession creates winners and losers just like a boom,” notes one economist. “When the recession ends, when the road levels off and the world seems full of promise once more, your position in the competitive pack will depend on how skillfully you manage right now.”

My business mission statement will be about how Phileas Fogg snack will benefit customer in bars that will agree with a nice cold beer. This snack may not be delightful at the first bite yet it will become tasty and the salty taste will gone. After so many bite of the snack it will make you crave a nice cold beer and other options of alcohol beverages.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

EOC Week 8: Adventure

Phileas Fogg was causal walking through Hyde Park on his way to met his mother for lunch. Almost half way through the park Phileas kept smelling this wonderful scent and couldn't get rid of the smell. His thought was to follow the scent and find out what the smell could be yet Phileas knew he was running a little bit late for lunch with his mother. Phileas took the chance of being late for lunch to follow the scent. Walking was taking longer then he has thought so he grab a bike from a stranger without thinking about the consequences. The stranger chasing after Philease saying “stop that man” “stop that man he stole my bike”. Even when hearing the stranger yelling at him Phileas kept riding till he knew where that wonderful scent was coming from. Phileas knew he was getting closer to the scent. Till he saw a beautiful women selling some breaded type of food that was fill with different vegetables. The beautiful women was selling pot pie on the street on the London Eye. Phileas went up to the women then ask her what was pot pie and why does it smell so delicious. She starting to explain what a pot pie was. After the women was done explaining the pot pie Phileas ask if he could try the delicious pot pie she respond “yes could have a sample unless you buy a few pieces after”. So, Phileas took a bite of the pot pie and couldn't get enough of the pie. After a few minutes past Phileas realize he was extremely late for lunch with his mother. Jumping onto the bike and peeling the fastest he can to the lunch. By time he got to lunch his mother wasn't happy with her son. His mother started yelling and hitting Phileas onto of his head saying she been waiting for him for the past hour and half. Then Phileas started to explaining what made him so late for the lunch. Then Phileas mother told her son that he need to take her to try this delicious pie.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Develope Pitch

The country I'll pick was England to match the food that I'll have chosen to use for my final project.
The food I'll be pitching is bread stuffed with cheese and meat similar to a pot pie. The crust of the bread would taste salty and sweet that would go great with a glass of beer. Size of this meal will be like a snack not to much to make you miss dinner but yet a good size to fill a person up until dinner time. Just a fast meal yet fulfilling meal to hold up till you get home for a nice dinner.
This small pot pie will be fill with meat like ham, bacon or turkey and there cheese also. This perfect small snack would go good with any tall glass of beer in any bar that location in England.
When you first bite into this snack it would make you wanna more of the tasty pot pie but yet it will make you want a cold glass of beer to go with it. When the tasty pot pie enter your mouth first thought will be yum its taste like my grandma or mom pot pie when I was a kid. Then minutes later the salty part of the pot pie hits your taste buds making you want something to drink and get rid of the salty taste buds.
But every time you come to a bar just to just for a time to relax before going home you would want the pot pie even tho it makes you want couple beers.
This snacks would make you want to pot pie from your grandma and mother to make you feel like your childhood sitting in your grandma or your favorite house with your mother behind you preparing the meal with a cold drink. 


Sunday, November 2, 2014

EOC Week 4: Marketing at work 5.2 GE: Building B-to-B Customer Partnerships

Describe the consumer market and the major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior.

The American consumer market consists of more than 300 million people who consume more than $14 trillion worth of goods and services each year, making it one of the most attractive consumer markets in the world. The world consumer market consists of more than 6.8 billion people who annually consume an estimated $70 trillion worth of goods and services 

Consumers around the world vary tremendously in age, income, education level, and tastes. They also buy an incredible variety of goods and services. How these diverse consumers relate with each other and with other elements of the world around them impacts their choices among various products, services, and companies. Here we examine the fascinating array of factors that affect consumer behavior.
  Consumers make many buying decisions every day, and the buying decision is the focal point of the marketer’s effort. Most large companies research consumer buying decisions in great detail to answer questions about what consumers buy, where they buy, how and how much they buy, when they buy, and why they buy. Marketers can study actual consumer purchases to find out what they buy, where, and how much. But learning about the whys of consumer buying behavior is not so easy—the answers are often locked deep within the consumer’s mind.

Identify and discuss the stages in the buyer decision process
Marketing stimuli consist of the Four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. Other stimuli include major forces and events in the buyer’s environment: economic, technological, political, and cultural. All these inputs enter the buyer’s black box, where they are turned into a set of observable buyer responses: the buyer’s brand and company relationship behavior and what he or she buys, when, where, and how often.
The marketer wants to understand how the stimuli are changed into responses inside the consumer’s black box, which has two parts. First, the buyer’s characteristics influence how he or she perceives and reacts to the stimuli. Second, the buyer’s decision process itself affects the buyer’s behavior. We look first at buyer characteristics as they affect buyer behavior and then discuss the buyer decision process.

 Describe the adoption and diffusion process for new products
Marketers are always trying to spot cultural shifts in order to discover new products that might be wanted. For example, the cultural shift toward greater concern about health and fitness has created a huge industry for health-and-fitness services, exercise equipment and clothing, organic foods, and a variety of diets. The shift toward informality has resulted in more demand for casual clothing and simpler home furnishings

Define the business market and identify the major factors that influence business buyer behavior
Marketers often try to identify opinion leaders for their products and direct marketing efforts toward them. They use buzz marketing by enlisting or even creating opinion leaders to serve as “brand ambassadors” who spread the word about their products. Many companies are now creating brand ambassador programs in an attempt to turn influential but everyday customers into brand evangelist.
 Marketers are working to harness the power of these new social networks to promote their products and build closer customer relationships. Instead of throwing more one-way commercial messages at ad-weary consumers, they hope to use social networks to interact with consumers and become a part of their conversations and lives.
 “Consumers experience many life-stage changes during their lifetimes,” says Acxiom. “As their life stages change, so do their behavior and purchasing preferences. Marketers who are armed with the data to understand the timing and makeup of life-stage changes among their customers will have a distinct advantage over their competitors.”

List and define the steps in the business buying decision process
Many companies employ teams of psychologists, anthropologists, and other social scientists to carry out motivation research. One ad agency routinely conducts one-on-one, therapy-like interviews to delve into the inner workings of consumers. Another company asks consumers to describe their favorite brands as animals or cars (say, Cadillacs versus Chevrolets) in order to assess the prestige associated with various brands. Still others rely on hypnosis, dream therapy, or soft lights and mood music to plumb the murky depths of consumer psyches.
Such projective techniques seem pretty goofy, and some marketers dismiss such motivation research as mumbo jumbo. But many marketers use such touchy-feely approaches, now sometimes called interpretive consumer research, to dig deeper into consumer psyches and develop better marketing strategies.
“Just between us, most [advertisers] have difficulty getting a 2 percent increase in sales with the help of $50 million in media and extremely liminal images of sex, money, power, and other [motivators] of human emotion. The very idea of [us] as puppeteers, cruelly pulling the strings of consumer marionettes, is almost too much to bear.
 buying process starts with need recognition—the buyer recognizes a problem or need. The need can be triggered by internal stimuli when one of the person’s normal needs—hunger, thirst, sex—rises to a level high enough to become a drive. A need can also be triggered by external stimuli.
Most effective sources, however, tend to be personal. Commercial sources normally inform the buyer, but personal sources legitimize or evaluate products for the buyer.

EOC Week 4: Creating A New App For 99 Cent

The App I'll be creating for 99 cent is a App that anyone could use and its also be cheap. The App is where you can buy food that satisfy at the moment. You can order anything you want to eat then it will be deliver within in hour or so. Now days people don't want to drive somewhere far to get food when it could be available just in a App. If there was a App where people could order food miles away from where they live and it could be deliver business would make more money. Business around or even miles away from where you live would get more people coming into the business. Any time places could deliver your food. The type of food would range from egg-roll to even ice cream. These types of food would be on your dinner table within a hour.

After creating and thinking about a App I'll pick where business could deliver any type of food at anytime of the day.  After research is there was an App that anyone could download that relate to what I'll creating. I'll found out that there was websites that you could order food. After doing more research I'll found out there is an App that people could download to get food deliver. The App is called GrubHub Food Delivery & Take Out. This App Features:

- Menus, reviews, restaurant information and free ordering from, actually, we already said this: over 28,000 restaurants nationwide.

- Search by cuisine, menu item or specific restaurant and filter restaurants hours, reviews, coupons, etc.

- Pay with cash, credit or PayPal. And if you’re into those last two, you can save your info so you don’t have to enter that stuff more than once.

- Use your current location or enter an address to find nearby takeout spots.

- Save your addresses to order even faster from the places you frequent.

- Track your orders with our not-so-cleverly-named Track Your Grub feature.

- Past orders are saved so you can reorder in a few taps. Pizza, pizza.

- Coupons and discounts are always appreciated, so we have those.

The cost of GrubHub Food Delivery & Take Out is Free. The only money you be spending on is the food that you are ordering.
Did I  already mention the App more than 600 cities? You know, like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Hartford, Atlanta, Denver, Miami, Phoenix, Seattle and… however many more it takes to get to 600+.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

EOC Week 2: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

Cash Cow
Apple Company
Also Apple coming out with high-tech watches

Xbox 360

Computer Games no one plays computer games. Yes, there people who plays computer games that nerds or people who have kids that are learning. Mostly people who are homebodies plays computer games.

Question Marks

I have put the game systems and also other systems in the categories that because how the systems are play now days from the range from tweenies to adult. Adults now days don't have the time to play on games systems some reason are their jobs and also the children take over the game systems. More days kids will be playing on their phone instead of playing their games sytems.

The ones who plays games and also online games are the one who doesn't have a job or who doesn't get out very much. That why computer games are still available but also gamer systems are still growing because there are kids who still plays games systems.

Friday, October 24, 2014

EOC Week 3:Making Money for Good

Macy's is the company that I have chosen to write about in my blog this week. I pick this company to write about is because Macy's doesn't only give back to one profit but many. The area Macy's focus on are arts and culture, environment, HIV/AIDS, and women issues.For example the gifts Macy's, Bloomingdale's, and Macy's Inc also including the Macy's Foundations more than $26 million was contributed to nearly 6,000 nonprofit organizations in 2013.The majority of the gifts went towards to their core focus areas for philanthropy; arts and culture, education, the environment, HIV/AIDS awareness and research, and women's issues - individual nonprofit organizations.

Macy's giving programs helped sponsor free admission to museums and exhibits, special musical performances, art exhibits, and art and theater workshops for children. In the area of education, we funded scholarship programs, summer reading programs, mentoring and tutoring, and early childhood education initiatives. Grants in our HIV/AIDS focus area included sponsorship of awareness walks and runs as well as funding for meals and nutrition programs, housing programs, and research and counseling initiatives.

Environmental programs covering both conservation and preservation, including sponsorship of Earth Day activities, plant programs for children at botanical gardens, and animal preservation and awareness programs at zoos and aquariums. In the women’s issues focus area, our grants supported early detection and screening programs for heart disease, breast cancer and ovarian cancer; provided a wide range of assistance to emergency shelters; sponsored programs to raise awareness about domestic and dating violence; and funded self-esteem and leadership programs for young girls and teens.

Macy's major gift in 2013 was a grant of more than $2 million to Make-A-Wish as part of our sixth annual Believe campaign during the holidays. Macy’s donated $1 for every letter to Santa dropped into in-store letterboxes, up to a maximum of $1 million, and added a contribution of more than $1 million for National Believe Day and from other in-store events.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

EOC Week 3: My Demographic

Millennials. Both the baby boomers and Gen Xers will one day be passing the reins to the Millennials (also called Generation Y or the echo boomers). Born between 1977 and 2000, these children of the baby boomers number 83 million, dwarfing the Gen Xers and larger even than the baby boomer segment. This group includes several age cohorts: tweens (aged 9–12), teens (13–18), and young adults (19–32). With total purchasing power of more than $733 billion, the Millennials make up a huge and attractive market.

 One thing that all of the Millennials have in common is their utter fluency and comfort with digital technology. They don’t just embrace technology, it’s a way of life. The Millennials were the first generation to grow up in a world filled with computers, cellphones, satellite TV, iPods, and online social networks. A recent study found that 91 percent of Millennials are on the Web, making up 32 percent of all U.S. Internet users. According to another study, 77 percent of Millennials frequent social networking sites and 71 percent use instant messaging. “All generations are comfortable with technology, but this is the generation that’s been formed by technology,” says a Yahoo! executive. For them, “it’s not something separate. It’s just something they do.”

A Millennial now days does fit in with what the book says. Because kids to teenager always on their phone if not on the phone but on the computer. Now days is all about technology before there was nothing about technology.

With being a Millennial I fit in with always being on my phone and if not on my phone I'll be using the computer, It's like I'm addiction to technology now days or ever since I could be able to pick up a phone when I was in my tween. Got introduction to technology at a very young age from my parent because they gave me a cell phone in middle school so they could keep in touch with me. Since technology just keeps getting better and also more high tech. Being a teenager you want to fit in with having the latest phone and keeping up with technology. Didn't want to be the kid that didn't have the the update to phone.

From young little kids to adult be update to the latest technology for example computers to cellphones. Even little kids have Ipad just for kids and that teach them letter,numbers and games to learn. With the years fast by the technology will just keep growing and getting more high tech.

When I was a little kids didn't have no high tech Ipad I could learn from like little kids have now days. Back when I was little technology was simple and not to high tech for example cellphones was a flip phone or a house phone was a phone connected to a cord. How I learn to count numbers or even learning my letters I'll watch the T.V. no cellphone, no Ipad, or not even computers. My teaching system was pasta, blocks, math scale or old school ways hand and toes. But when growing up and getting older technology did the same as I was.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

EOC Week 1: My Voice

I'm Alisha Garcia - Peccainti my career is Fashion Retail Management. My career is about running my own business relating to fashion or anything that has to do with fashion. .I'm in this industry for the passion I will show in my work. I have chosen this career path because the passion I have for this industry is more than any body would understand. I had this passion for fashion ever since I was a little girl playing dress up on my cousins to dressing up my dog.

My passion for fashion will be show into the work and projects you guys will see.I'm a hard working with anything that I do and will do.Throughout my work the passion I have for fashion will be able to see through my works. Wouldn't let this passion just slip away from my finger or this dream of mine to own my business one day.

The business I wanna own will be about selling clothing that in the fashion world and also trendy at the time. Also my business will be about stylist people from normal to high class people. Not gonna just stylist one classes of people. It will be from people who can't afford to be like celebrities to also dressing celebrities who are use to be getting style. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

EOC Week 1: Great Customer Service

"Brands that engage in two-way conversation with their customers create stronger, more trusting relationships. People today want a voice and a role in their brand experiences. They want co-creation"

This quote is a great example of customer service because the customer are the people that makes the company who they are. Some customers are brand loyal to companies and then they are customers that shop with the company from time to time. If they customers doesn't receive a great experience in a store they won't come back and also the word would travel that the store doesn't give a great experience. The reason why people are brand loyal to companies is because of the experience they receive during the visit in the store every single time and how the store sells their products. If the customers aren't happy with something in the companies they should be able to voice their options. 

.  There was this one time where I'll receive great customer service that was at Nail Affair. The Nail Affair is location on 6040 Badura Ave, Suite 130, Las Vegas, 89118. This place is a great example for great customer service. Why is that, when you first walk into the place they welcome you and asking you what you need done. After you tell them what you need done they sit you right away and gets you started. Also the people who works there ask you often if you need a drink or anything. There customer service is overall something that I never have experience nor receive before.This place goes over and beyond what they need to do to make you feel you receive good customer service. Their customer service makes you want to come back again and not go somewhere else. Also when you come back after like the second time they give you a discount card for 10% after spending $25 or more. Only customers that come back a few times receive this card.  The Nail Affair makes you feels special and the only customers in the building.